Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oct. 5, 1914

1914 hand crank sewing machine this one is the King Tut special

Oct. 5th

A little cloudy fairly warm. To & from with Jay.

Got cards. + in Lit, Hist. & machine and ++ in Alg.

Came home and monkeyed around with sewing machine trying so to figure out how to work it. Finally got it alright.

Cliff stopped in almost 5:30 and we played a set of tennis 6-4

Lessons & re-tired

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Oct 4, 1914

These are the trolley cars Grandpa talks about.

All went to 2nd church. Very windy day. Was Peace Sunday - church was packed. Had to sit near platform.

They are putting in a new car line on 11th St.

Walt came over in aft. and we walked (unclear word) and over
 to Penn - to lake for a little canoe ride and home. He invited me to a 500 party next Saturday.(unclear word) know which girl to invite.

Wrote Eng. Comp. in eve and to bed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Oct 2 and 3, 1914

Oct 2

Fine Day. To and from with Jay
Got an invite to go to a dance at H. Hewett's. Had to wash a shirt myself - Mother away.
Played 3 sets of tennis with Cliff.
Went to dance with Stew, R, A, and Erma. Kind of state entertainment. Took R, A, and Erma home. In bed at 12.

Oct 3

Worked - Windy Day
Got $2.25 and 50 cents for Tues aft.
Took bath and to bed.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sept 30 and Oct 1, 1914

Sept 30th
Rode down with Jay, R, B, F, Cup and rode home also. Fine Day. Sat around lessons and to bed.

Oct 1st
Fine and Mild. Rode to and from with Jay.Got 95 in month's Alg test.
Mother and I took a canoe ride this aft.
Lessons and the dreamland (written with a nice long flourish off the end of the d)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sept 29, 1914

Went to the bean club. Had good (Illegible word) and speech from U. professor on the "The Laws of Habit". In discussion we learned the (Illegible word) to be charged in the Y Club and we are going to have pins. Are also going to give a reception for Freshman soon. Came home with (Illegible word) Creighton,and L. Freeman and Deinhard Brothers..(Illegible word). I am back from 2:30 to 5 at store. Fine day.

Notes: Sorry for all the  (Illegible word) spots this was a particularly faint entry and very difficult to read. Below is the description of the Y Club from grandpa's yearbook.  I believe Y Club and Bean club are used interchangeably

 The Y Club
AT the opening of the " b e a n " season the " Y " officers and members real-
ized that they would have a big job to keep up the record made by the
"West Club of last year. Nevertheless all who have been connected with,
or have known the work of the Club realize that its influence has been
felt throughout the school.
"We wish to thank Mr. Jordan and our two faculty advisors, Mr. Parsons and
Mr. Jones for the interest they have taken in our work and the help they have
given us. Although we have fallen down in membership, the conduct and qual-
ity of the "West fellows has gained the respect of the other High Schools.
Last fall at the beginning of the semester we started campaigns against pro-
fanity, smoking, and cribbing. We have had many interesting and instructive
speeches by prominent business men, preachers, and politicians, including Gov-
ernor Hammond.
The Club at present is pushing the movement for a Students' Executive
Board. The Club believes if this scheme is given a good trial it will give West
a chance to show the other schools a thing or two in the way of partial self-gov-
ernment. We all hope that through an Executive Board we shall bring the
students and faculty into a closer and friendlier relationship, and put the spirit
of "West W i n s " into the heart and soul of every student.

Sept. 28, 1914

Fine and quiet day. Learned that I got 80 in my 1000 word essay. Rode home with Jay, Cup, Fred, "Fat", and Dewey. Jay is going to charge 5 cents for both ways after this and call for me in the morning.

Minneapolis Journal Sunday Magazine from June 1914

Went down to the lake in the Aft. Lay in the canoe and drifted while reading Sunday Magazine. Came home, raked a few leaves from front yard, had sup, lessons, and to bed.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sept. 27, 1914

Minnehaha Falls postcard with Longfellow poem that brought it some fame

Up pretty early for Sunday. Fine warm day. We all went to Knox church. This was Doc Cool's farewell to Lynnwood Cong. Came home and had fine dinner Veal, potatoes, watermelon, pumpkin pie, etc.

Soldier's Home still in operation

Took car to Minnehaha - did not get off at transfer point but stayed on till we got to the river. Had a fine walk down the river to Soldier home and then to Minnehaha Falls. Beautiful creek full of water. Took car for home about 6pm. Had sup - did lessons and to bed.

Minnehaha Falls photo from 1910

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sept. 25 & 26, 1914

Canoeing was a hot trend in the early teen years in Minneapolis
Sept 25, 1914
Fine and Cool. Rode home with Jay, R,B, L etc..
Mother and I for a canoe ride in Aft.Water nice and smooth. Trees turning brown. Very fine.
Pa beat 3 out of 5 games of H.L.J & S. To bed.

Sept 26, 1914
Fine day.
Worked got $2.25 for Sat. & .80 for 4 hours last Monday.
Came home & went to bed.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sept. 24, 1914

Windom Cassius Crane Hal's Pa

Fine Day. To school. Rode home with Jay, Ber., etc..
Ran down to the lake, paddled around in stiff breeze a while.
Came in. Ran home. Did alg. Ate sup.
Played High Low Jack & game with Pa all eve. Beat 3 out of 5 games.
To bed.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sept. 23, 1914

Both torpedoed & sunk in North Sea off by SM U-9 Kaiserliche Marine (capt. pictured)on Sept 22
Fine and cool day. Changed to my blue suit and vest from grey one.
Rode home with Jay, Ruth, Bernice, Cup"etes"
Cut lawn in Aft, lessons and help Stew with physics in eve.
Allies pushing back and turn Ger. right wing. Reported about 1800-1600 lost in yesterday's naval battle.

Have just figured out my average for all my high school work so far and find it to be about 89.

Notes- Here is a description of the WWI battle referred to, written by the German Lieutenant Weddigen, pictured above.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sept. 22, 1914

SMS Cap Trafalgar and HMSCarmania sunk Sept 14, 1914

Fine day- cooler. 80 in Alg. test. Rode home from school with Ruth, Bernice, Lucile, nother girl, Fred H in Jay's Packard machine.
Played tennis with Cliff in aft. 6-4 6-2 6-2 7-5
Had ticket for Bean Club but did not start in time so did not go.
Lessons and to the mattress in eve.
German submarines have sunk 3 British warships recently. Helps to make up for German losses. Allies are pushing German right wing back. -About Oriles.