1915 Ford advertisement |
Fine sunny and quite hot, but hard s. wind.
This is my first Saturday off since last August. Up at 6A.M. finished putting mud guards on, rode up to store and got 6 bans, rode to school and got there at 9, practiced till 1, had a picnic lunch on the lawn. sandwiches, fruit, ice cream, "etc." About 30 or more of us. Played "Prisoner Base" "etc." Practiced till 3:30. While not on the stage we would play card ( 500, H.L.J.Q.) in the dressing room. Rode home cleaned out the garage so Mr. Hovelman can put his new Ford in. Got my canoe down, supper, read, ride, bed. I took my heavy winter suit today and put in my blue serge.
Sun. April 25, 1915
Quite warm and fine - Ideal.
Went to Sunday School 9:30 had 4 boys - 1 new scholar. Mr Blair is back and he preached a fine sermon on "The Panacea For Hum Drum." Home, read, took bike ride about 6 to 54th to Nicolett to 43rd to the Lake to home. Played piano - (unclear word), trig and to bed. No answer to our ad today.
Mon. April 26, 1915
Fine in AM
Rode my bike. Rained before school let out so I left my bike at school and took the car downtown. Bought 6 pairs holeproof sox and went to the Seville Theatre and saw some good war pictures. Sunny and fine when I got out so I went out to school got, my bike, and rode home. My bike is classy now - red frame, black rims and mud.
Mr. Hovelman don't know a thing about autos and he said that he didn't understand a lot that his instructor told him. He said he is going to have me go out with him and explain some things when he gets so that he can run his car - about Thursday. Did trig and to bed. Started to rain hard about 9:00PM.
I'm surprised they had already completed war movies by April of 1915. I presume he is talking of WWI films. Maybe he meant the Current Event segments that used to be shown with the feature films???
ReplyDeleteThere were a lot of silent films about pre WW I wars. Lot's of American Civil War and various European.