Monday, August 31, 2020

Jan. 26 - 28, 1916

 Wed. Jan. 26, 1916

Fullerton's first railroad station, pictured here in late 1888 or early 1889, was ready when the first train arrived in August of 1888. By 1894, the Fullerton Tribune said the community was the largest shipping point south of Los Angeles. It retained the title annually right into the next century.
Fullerton train station

Sunny and fine till noon. Rain in eve.

Clint up for breakfast and then we all drove to his ranch and looked around, then around town, and then we took him to Fullerton to catch a train into L.A. at 10:30. I did not have to work today as they didn't pick yesterday.

Pa and I worked around cleaning up etc and in afternoon we two took drive down and got some chicken feed, groceries, etc. Pa drove down and back, but not in the busy part of town - is pretty good driver now. In the eve I read in my books and went to bed early.

Thurs. Jan. 27, 1916

the streets of Anaheim in 1917

Rained steady all last nite and today till 4 P.M.

Up at 5:45 and walked to the packing house to work. I did not know that it had rained so hard so I had to wade up to my shoe tops down by the Southern Pacific tracks and I was wet from the knee down from the rain. At noon Pa came after me with the auto and I changed my shoes, sox, and pants.

The river is flooding all over again just like it did a few days ago, and a little worse I guess. Pa came after me in the eve also - got thru about 5 P.M. In the eve I read a little and played H.L.J. &Q and Ma beat twice. To bed early.

Fri. Jan. 28, 1916

Fine and sunny

Could not pick any oranges yesterday so I don't have to work today. Orchard all full of water but it is going down now. We worked around and then drove over to the packing house to see if Pa could get a little work and they wanted me to work, but had no job for him now so I worked 2 1/2 hrs. today. Rode my bike to and from this afternoon. Worked around here some more this afternoon with Pa. In the eve I read and went to the library.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Jan. 23 -25, 1916

 Sun. Jan. 23, 1916

1912 Driving Up Laurel Canyon | Laurel canyon, California history, Los  angeles history
Driving Laurel Canyon 1912 it was still a dirt road in 1916.

We went to Christian Science church in A.M. and then to Root's and got Benedicts and drove them to L.A. and we went on to Ethel's and had duck dinner. In afternoon we all went for a little drive up Laurel Canyon. We stayed all night. Floyd and I on A single bed, Ethel and Ma on a double in one room, and Pa and Grandpa in the other. Dull all day.

Mon. Jan. 24, 1916

Up early and I began collecting somethings I had left - violin, drawing tools, bicycle, "etc ' and loaded  them in the auto. We left for Anaheim about two and drove thru the rain part of the way but it cleared before we got there. Also brought 4 hens and a rooster in a box and they immediately made themselves quite at home in our new yard. I read in my new books the rest of the day.

Tues. Jan. 25, 1916

Post office employees 1915 - Mr Root and and Postmaster Ahlhern are likely shown here.

Cloudy and some rain.

Pa has some kaki pants and a work shirt and is a regular rancher now.He and I drove downtown and got some groceries and some postcards in the post office. Root was working then and took Pa in and introduces him to Mr. Ahlborn, the postmaster. Then we went to Randolph Packing house and I am going to work this afternoon.

Fruit grading around the same time my Grandpa was doing it

Home, lunch, put my bike together, and went to work as a grader. Worked from 2 till 6 P.M. - Pretty good job. Two girl who ere in my class when I went out here work there. In the eve Clint walked in and we gave him supper as we had had ours. Talked and then went down to his house and showed Pa around. I played the phonograph, home and to bed.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Jan. 21 - 22, 1916

 Fri. Jan. 21, 1916

WITH FIRE AND SWORD: An Historical Novel of Poland and Russia by Henryk  Sienkiewicz - 1898

Sunny, fine and hot in midday. Quite cool last night and I slept good by wearing pajamas, sox, and Pa's bath robe.

Trains running now and we got a letter from Ethel today. Pa and I were putting up posts for a new chicken yard all A.M. and most of P.M.In the eve I walked down to the library read papers and got "With Fire And Sword" by Sienkiewicz, author of "Quo Vadis"

Sat. Jan. 22, 1916

A glimpse of Orange in 1921

Fine and warm.

Pa and I worked a little more on the chicken yard and at 10 A.M. I took the auto, as we arranged when at Root's last Thursday and took Mr. and Mrs. Benedict and Mr.  and Mrs. Root for a fine ride to Santa Ana, Orange, Huesos Park etc. returning about one o'clock. They enjoyed it very much and Mr. B told me when I ever went Minneapolis to visit him and he would let me take his Maxwell. Then Pa and I finished the yard. Benedicts drove up in the afternoon and we gave them some oranges and invited them to go to L.A. with us to-morrow, when we go to Ethel's, as they were going up to-morrow. late in afternoon we drove down and got some groceries. In eve we all went down to the library and read.

1916 Maxwell Ad-03
A 1916 Maxwell. The type of car Mr. Benedict has in Minneapolis

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jan. 19 -20, 1916

Wed. Jan. 19, 1916

An old steel bridge over the Santa Ana River which collapsed during high flood flows on January 19, 1916.
Collapsed bridge over the Santa Ana river from flood taken Jan. 19, 1916

Rainy in A.M. High wind and cool in P.M. No flood last nite and water has gone down quite a bit. I read most all A.M. in The Ne'er Do Well, which is a very good and gripping story. Near noon Pa and I drove down and got some groceries. In afternoon we 3 drove around in different directions to see the damage, but could not get very far toward Santa Ana or Placentia because of water and washed out bridges. No train, mail or telephone service to L.A. yet. 

In eve we 3 went to Mason [theatre] and saw pictures of "Death Valley Dodge" and they were fine. Then we went to Christian Science meeting and then home. I finished The Ne're Do Well before going to bed.

Author Note: This is the description of the film DEATH VALLEY DODGE: the nationally celebrated “Death Valley Dodge”. This unusual car has battled its way through every noted desert of the Southwest, has climbed inconceivably steep mountains and holds the unique double record of having been driven from below sea level to the highest point ever reached by an automobile on the Pacific Coast. It has conquered all sorts of obstructions, defying the laws of equilibrium and gravitation.In the motion pictures you will see a car actually turning corners on two wheels with passengers in its tonneau, racing the “Owl” a mile a minute, tearing up 35 percent grades with ease and speed, fighting its way through an inconceivably rough country where there are no roads, and climbing down rocky bluffs so steep and rough that a mountain goat would find difficulty in doing what “Death Valley Dodge” actually does before your eyes. It flashes its way through grease-wood, cactus and yucca growing to twice the height of the car, conclusively showing to what extreme limits of strength the master builders of this latest motor product have been able to install into a motor car.

Thurs. Jan. 20, 1916

Cold last night, but sunny and fine all day. Pa and I worked on the driveway all A.M. grading it up so the water would run off and got it fixed up fine. Then we washed the mud off the auto - it was covered from going thru water etc. Then I ran it up and down the driveway to harden it. Then Pa and I drove over to the packing house and found out that I would not have to work till next week. Then I taught Pa how to run the auto on Lennon St. for quite awhile. He can do it pretty good now. Then we worked around awhile. In the evening we went over to Root's. A Mr. and Mrs. Benedict are visiting there from Minneapolis and Mr. B., Mr Root, Pa and I played 500 and Mr. Root and I beat both games - I had the best luck ever. Home and to bed. Flood all over now and water all gone.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Jan. 17 - 18, 1916

 Mon. Jan. 17, 1916

Rain all day. Most rain up to this date for years. Numerous washouts etc. Pa and I drove downtown in the A.M. bought few groceries, subscribed to the Anaheim Herald, found out the job Pa was going to ask about was taken, and also that because of the rain I would not have to start work tomorrow with packing house. In the afternoon I put on the mackinaw and walked down to the library and read over several college and U catalogs. Also brought home an old "Worlds Work" and "The Ne-er-Do-Well" by Rex Beach. Red paper and in the eve we 3 played 2 games of H.L.J and Pa and I 2 in all of which I won 3 and Pa one. To bed about 9:30.

The Ne'er-Do-WellThe World's Work (Magazine). October 1912: various: Books

Tues. Jan. 17, 1916

Part IA

Rain most of the day. Learned this A.M. that the Santa Ana river had broke through the embankments and was running all over the country. Broke through about midnight and this A.M. Lennon St. was all flooded and most of our orchard. The water was running swiftly across it and into the next man's land. After breakfast Pa and I took the auto and drove around to see the sights. Out on the Santa Ana road about a mile the whole country is flooded and it is impossible to get through. All flooded out Eliots way and also between here and Fullerton. This is the worst flood here in years. We came back and got Mother and took her all around too, going through water above the axle for half a block in a couple of places. We bought a film and took a couple of pictures of the water in the ranch here.

Grandpa's flooded field photo 

In the evening we heard that the dam above had gave way and that we would have a big flood here about 11P.M. So Pa and I drove down town and got some gas so as to make our escape if necessary. We learned from the Telephone Company that there had been a cloudburst in Riverside and quite a bit of water might come down about 10 P.M. so we stayed up, I read the "Ne-er-Do-Well" and played 2 handed whist with Pa. Stopped raining and the water did not seem to rise so we went to bed about 11:30.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Jan. 15 -16, 1916

 Sat. Jan. 15, 1916

Cloudy and fairly warm.

Anaheim Cash Market, Interior View. [graphic]
Anaheim Cash Market in 1915 (possibly where my Grandpa bought his meat)

Pa and I drove downtown about 10 A.M. and got some groceries and meat. He also asked Mr. McCord of the bank and Mr. Wallace (City Clerk) if they knew of any jobs for him. Mr. McCord said Anaheim Packing and Provision Co. wanted a man in the office so he is going to look into it. 

Grandpa and Ethel came down this A.M. They said that Al is going to put up a fine grocery delicatessen and meat store on his land opposite Ethel's place and was going into business there. In the afternoon we drove to Santa Ana, Orange and Olive, then Grandpa and Ethel took the train back.

We drove downtown and saw Mr. Root and he had a man from Minneapolis visiting them and who worked in the Chamber of Commerce there. He and Pa did not know each other, but had seen each other in Minneapolis.

In the eve it sprinkled a little. Pa walked down to the library and back and then to bed.

Sun. Jan. 16, 1916

Warm but Cloudy.

Well we are launched in California without a cent of money until we sell our Minneapolis property. We are very lucky though, in having a place her to stay and the use of a fine auto.

I am very fond of non-fiction books on poultry, citrus orcharding or farming of any kind, also books on stenography, sociology etc, eugenics, and biographies of noted men. While at Hollywood I read a good book on Pres. Wilson's life and one that gave a true light on Pres. Lincoln's life and also look over books on the subjects listed above.

Began to rain about 10:30 so I put the curtains up on the auto and we went to the Christian Science church here. Bought a "Times" on the way home and read that the rest of the day. Rained steady and very hard at times all day.

The LA Time for Jan. 16, 1916

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Jan. 13 -14, 1916

 Thurs. Jan. 13, 1916

Sunny but cool. Have to keep the gas range going off and on all day and evening we warm up the whole house with the airtight. I went down with the auto and bought some groceries and pans. Fixed one garage door on it's hinge, dug enough potatoes for the day, chopped enough wood for the evening and pulled up quite  bunch of weeds in the orchard.

Albert Edward GriggsAlbert Edward Griggs

[Al pictured above as a teen and later in life, is likely Albert Griggs another of my grandfather's uncle's on his Mother's side. Al is also the father of Truman Griggs who would be best man at my grandparents wedding in 1936]

Harners came from the city in the evening. They had been up to Ethel's place and we learned from them that Al had been there and stayed all night and had bought a large plot of land opposite Ethel's place and was going to build a bungalow on it. (He sold out his grocery business in Sierra Madre some time ago) Clint had been there also. In the eve we sat in the kitchen and I wrote a letter to Walt. Pa wrote to the Pillsbury Co.and quit his job. Also sent for our furniture.

Pillsbury Co, where my grandfather's dad worked, is the same bake goods company we know today.

I have decided to go to some U. or College next Fall and will have to start looking around.

Fri. Jan. 14, 1916

Rain but little warmer. Last nite I slept with some socks on and slept good. Steady drizzle so we 3 have been in the kitchen eating and playing games all day. We all played one game of High, Low, Jack and the game and Mother beat. In the afternoon pa and I played 4 games of checkers and I beat 1. In the eve we (Pa and I) played 5 games of High, Low, Jack and I won 1. I was in the hole most of the time in all the rest.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Jan. 11 - 12, 1916

 Tues. Jan. 11, 1916

Sunny and cool - frost last night. We packed up 4 suitcases, some blanket, a rocking chair etc. and brought them down to the ranch in the auto (Pa, Ma, and I). I drove down at from 20 to 38 miles per hour. We are going to rent 2 beds and 3 chairs until our furniture comes out and we are going to stay on the ranch till our property sells in Minneapolis. We unloaded our stuff. Fixed the kitchen up etc. the rest of the day.

Clint is down here and Will Eliot told him we were here so he came out and saw Pa. I drove him to his ranch and left him at the depot, as he is going up to L.A. for the night.

I am looking and feeling fine now. Plenty of color in my face! 5' 71/2" high and  weigh 122 lbs. 

Wed. Jan. 12, 1916

Anaheim, California, Carnival Brand Citrus Label" Print ...

Pretty cold last night and I could not keep warm. Frost early this A.M. I took the auto and went and saw the man who has charge of the Randolph Fruit Co's packing house in West Anaheim and got a job as grader for next Tuesday. Bot some groceries, dust pan, stove pipe elbow etc and came home. Put up the air tight and Pa fixed up the gas range like new. I cleaned the back porch and garage.

In the eve I drove Pa and Ma over to Placentia and back. After supper I went down to the library.

Plancentia a few years later in 1921

Friday, August 14, 2020

Jan. 3 -10, 1916

 Mon. Jan. 3, 1916

Colorado and Fair Oaks Ave, in Pasadena 1910

Ethel is working today as an extra. Floyd in school so I drove Grandpa, Pa, Ma and I to Anaheim via Pasadena. Pa like the country fine - especially Anaheim and the ranch. However he says that he can not stay out now, but has to go back to Minneapolis and sell our place etc. Then if he couldn't stay mother wanted him to send our furniture so we could go down to the ranch and stay till he sold out and came out here in the spring, but he wouldn't do it unless she would agreed to let him sell the house as he pleased and not put the money in the bank joint account, but take of it himself - and she wouldn't do that so they are scrapping about it off and on for several days. Pa mad and walked out several times.

Interior Cahuenga Branch Library which was brand new in 1916

Tues. Jan. 4 I took him down to the library and talked trying to smooth things over. Wed. I drove Pa and Ma to Santa Monica and Venice and everything was alright to-day. Thurs. Pa and I went to L.A. and on the way we talked some more, but still he insist on his way.

ca. 1916) - Cahuenga Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library ...
Cahuenga Branch Library 1916

Fri. Jan 7th Mother took him down to the ranch by train and they stayed over night and all day Sat. Pa was tickled to death with country life and will stay out here now. They came back Sat. eve and Sun. we all 4 took a drive to San Pedro and Long Beach. Ethel drove one way and I the other. At Long Beach we could have had an aeroplane flight for $5 apiece, but we didn't have the 5.

Mon. Jan. 10 It rained all day. We (Pa, Ma, and I) were going down to the ranch, but will put it off till tomorrow. We played whist (Grandpa,Pa, ma and I). Pa and I played checkers and in the eve Floyd, Grandpa, pa and I played 500.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Jan 2, 1916

 Jan 2, 1916

A grocery store in Hollywood in 1919 looked like this.

Are still in Hollywood. I worked at Meilings for 3 weeks in the grocery dept. at $10 per week from 9 till 9 and 11 on Saturday and all day Sunday so I quit. Aunt Ethel has been trying to get a job but has not succeeded so far.

The deal about the sale of our house is off now and it is rented for $30 a month.

Mother has been very weak since her last sickness and we are in a very unsettled condition here now - Grandpa wants to go back to the ranch and we all can't live down there so we don't know what to do. Mother sick again now - very bad attack of piles for nearly 2 weeks. 

Christmas 1915 | Vintage christmas photos, Vintage christmas, Old ...
Here's what your average Christmas tree looked like in 1915

On Christmas we 5 had big turkey dinner (Mother was in bed and Floyd a little on the blink though). Pa says that he can't possibly come out until next Spring, but we are going to telegraph for him and say that Mother is sick.

Pa arrived Sun. Jan. 2. Mother alright now, but didn't feel able to drive way to the station so she and I stayed here and Ethel, Floyd and Grandpa went down and met him. We talked in the evening and to bed.

Rainy season on now - rained all day, but clear in eve when Pa came. It snowed here for a full half hour last Thursday. Lots of snow in the mountains near by and the school kids all ran up to see it.

The freak snow storm in Los Angeles in Dec. 1915

Author note: My grandfather's work hours looked really long so I thought I would look up when our current 5 day/ 40 hr work week became the norm. Based on Wikipedia  it was not until 1940, when a provision of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act mandating a maximum 40-hour workweek went into effect, that the two-day weekend was adopted nationwide. Ford and other companies and labor unions had instituted this earlier.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Nov. 4 -6, 1915

 Thurs. Nov. 4, 1915

I assume they transferred Floyd to Hollywood High pictured here in 1916

Drove Floyd to school this A.M. Spent rest of day fixing yard and roosts for chickens. Had to catch them in the garage and cut their wings before I put them in the yard. In eve Floyd and I took a little ride around and up the hillside and saw the lights of the city below - pretty.

Fri. Nov. 5, 1915

Everything straightened up now. Mother feeling fair, but not able to exert herself any yet. Yesterday Floyd and I went downtown (L.A.) on the car and got some hook, hinges, etc. Today A.M. I knocked out some of the curb where the driveway is. Dressed up in afternoon and Ethel and I drove around and got groceries and Floyd. Rain in eve (first of the year). Read and to bed.

Author note: Here's some video of what downtown LA looked like a few years earlier in 1912. I can only imagine it got busier as more people poured in to California.

Sat. Nov. 6, 1915

phonograph record players from about 1915

Rain (light and fine) all day.

Mother not very well so stayed in bed all day. Floyd, Ethel, and I drove to market here (Hollywood) in A.M. and got some stuff. Played phonograph, etc.

Author Note: This is the last diary entry for 1915.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Nov. 1 - 3, 1915

 Mon. Nov. 1, 1915

1915 Hollywood Blvd. near Highland looking west toward Formosa (the street Ethel's house is on)

Began to pack up. I put props under the orange trees all A.M. In the aft. I took the machine down and got the trailer and then Floyd and I spent the rest of the day fastening it on good. We caught the chicken in eve and put them in crates. Sold 12 or 13 duck in A.M. for $5.06.

Tues. Nov. 2, 1915

1913 view looking down on Hollywood Blvd.

Mother feeling pretty good. We loaded the auto and trailer and all 4 started for Hollywood. Had to stop several times to refasten the trailer, but got there alright. Left about 8 A.M. and got there about 11. Had lunch at a cafeteria and then unloaded. Mother stayed and we 3 back and got another larger load - trailer piled higher than the auto. Did not leave until 5 P.M. got here about 7:30. No electricity on so had to see by lantern light. Fixed up 2 beds and went to sleep.

Wed. Nov. 3, 1915

1915 Hollywood Blvd. stores
Hollywood Blvd store fronts near Ethel's house in 1915

Floyd and I drove up to the cafeteria and got breakfast and some coffee for Mother who isn't very well. Then Ethel and I drove to Anaheim to clean up and bring some stuff. Left about 1 P.M. with chicken wire etc on top of the auto. Chicken and ducks etc inside and the cat. She drove back and I held on all the way. Began to get things straightened up here. "Moovie" actress lives next door. She forgot her key and I climbed in a window and let her in in the eve.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Oct. 29 - 31, 1915

Fri. Oct. 29, 1915 

How Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Created the Modern Road Trip ...
Thomas Edison and Henry Ford traveled from the San Francisco Pan Pacific Expo to the 
San Diego Pan California Expo on Ford's private train car in Oct. 1915.

Mother better. Doctor came out and saw how she was.

I rode downtown on my bike and saw Thomas A Edison and Henry Ford go thru on their way to San Diego.

I drove down in the aft to the store - up to school and got Floyd and home. Floyd and Ethel stayed all nite again

Sat. Oct. 30, 1915

Mother pretty well but not able to get up yet. I drove Grandpa down and he ordered his berth to go to Frisco. Then Floyd and I washed and polished the car and I put a cut out on that works fine.

In eve I drove Floyd and Ethel down to their place where they stayed for the nite. Then I heated some water and had a good bath and to bed.

Sun. Oct. 31, 1915

Up after good sleep and got breakfast (oatmeal, coffee, toast). Did not even put on my best clothes today.

Drove down and got Ethel and Floyd about 10 A.M. Read etc. At 4 o'clock Grandpa left for Frisco. Ethel and Floyd took him down and I stayed with Mother. Read in eve. Ethel and Floyd stayed here to-night as they moved all their things up here so that we can take them to Hollywood.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Oct. 26 - 28, 1915

Tues. Oct. 26, 1915

Advertising during the first World War in 1915. Urodonal, poisoned by Uric Acid. The best cure for Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Calculi, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Arterio-Sclerosis, Sciatica, Obesity : News Photo
1915 ad for medicine for neuralgia

Mother kind of sick this afternoon. I bored a hole in exhaust pipe of auto - am going to make an out-out for it. Ethel and Floyd up for supper. Mother worse in eve so I had  Dr. Johnson come out - She has Neuralgia.

Wed. Oct. 27, 1915

A 1910-20 antique syringe 'new old stock ' never been used with a ...
hypodermic needles from the 1915 era OUCH!

Mother in bed all day. I got breakfast and dinner. Ethel and Floyd up for Supper. Took them home and then just got undressed when Mother called me - the constant pain was getting on her nerves, so I went and got the doctor (11P.M.). He left some medicine but it was not strong enough so had a bad night - I up all night and finally had to get the doctor at 4 A.M. He gave her a hypodermic of morphine and then I went to bed and slept late 8 A.M.

Thurs. Oct. 28, 1915

Mother easier. Ethel up about 11 A.M. Mother got nervous again in afternoon and about 6 P.M. I got doctor and he gave another "shot" of morphine. Ethel and Floyd stayed all night. Floyd and I slept together.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Oct. 23 - 25, 1915

Sat. Oct. 23, 1915

Fact Check: Henry Ford didn't design the Model T as a multi-fuel ...
Running early cars on kerosene to save money on fuel.

Experimenting with the car all A.M. trying to run it on kerosene and did it too. Floyd came up and in afternoon we drove downtown and around for a little "Kerosene Ride." The car ran fine - only a little harder to start. Floyd and I to library in eve and learned that Ethel was "laid off" so she is in a bad fix without rent money and salary.

Sun. Oct. 24, 1915

I drove down about 7:30 and got Ethel and Floyd and we talked up here and we decide to all go to Hollywood and live and then we could get jobs up there. I drove up there in the A.M and we ate our lunch in her house then in the aft Ethel drove home via Glendale, Eagle Rock, and Pasadena - 
Very Fine Drive  All had supper here and I drove them to their apartment in eve.

Author Note: in the 1920 census Ethel and Floyd are living at 1628 Formosa Ave. I'm guessing this is the same house. It is right off of Hollywood Blvd. and just a few blocks west of where Grauman's Chinese Theatre is which opened in 1922. The house is now replaced by an apartment building.

Here we have a very early view of Hollywood. This is from 1915 and we’re looking at the corner of Hollywood and Highland where the Hollywood Hotel sits amid still-quite-short palm trees, and a Red Car is rattling along Highland Ave. In the background, up on the hill, we can see the house which the Bernheimer brothers began building in 1911 to house their collection of Asian treasures. The building is still there, and is now a Japanese restaurant called Yamashiro.
Here is Hollywood Blvd and Highland just a few blocks from Ethel's house.

Mon. Oct. 25, 1915

Ethel came up about 7 A.M. I fixed the auto up and we loaded it with small furniture, books, pictures, etc.and then Grandpa and Ethel drove up to look at some second hand gas ranges. While they were gone I found out that we could probably rent a trailer at the garage to take our furniture up with. Mother got from Mr. Taper (buyer for our place) wanting her to sign deed and saying they could force her to so she say lawyer here who says they can't so she won't until an agreement is made between her and Pa, I guess. Ethel and Floyd stayed for supper.

STOVES: 1914 Sears Household Catalog stoves
Ad for Gas ranges (stoves) in 1914

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Oct. 22, 1915

Fri. Oct. 22, 1915

Weather has been fine - 1 or 2 days pretty warm, otherwise moderate. 

I feel fine, but am as thin as usual. Ethel and Floyd living in their apartment. Mother can not get Pa to agree as to care of money etc. and so has not signed the deed yet. The deal will probably be called off. 

I drove to and from Newport with us all - Ethel drove to Long Beach and last Sunday I drove to Hollywood and Ethel drove back - we took our lunch and ate it in her house which is empty now. She is going to move the garage up and start a store right away.

Street car in Santa Ana 1925

I have not started the incubator yet as I did not have the money, but guess I will soon now. A few days ago I took the stage to Santa Ana and saw football game - monkeyed around etc. Grandpa had a blown out casing that he was never going to use again, but I fixed it (canvas patches on inside) and it is in use now.

Last week I went up to A.U.H.S. and saw Hargrave, Worsley and Hauck. Grandpa said he might buy a cheap auto for ploughing and running around so I'm going to keep my eyes open for 1.

A week or ago I went to the city and answered an ad about a 5 acre place, but it was too far out so we did not look at it. Went to 2 shows saw best yet - Charlie Chaplin in "Shanghaied." Finished "Quo Vadis" few days ago and it was fine. Reading "Pudding Head Wilson" by Clemmons now.

Grandpa's current read.

Clint drove down in his Buick with a man boarder yesterday and dropped in for dinner today. Came back for supper and in eve I played the phonograph a while for them - then we all went down to his house and sat and talked about theories of life with the man he brought.

Here's the Charlie Chaplin film SHANGHAIED from 1915