Saturday, August 15, 2020

Jan. 11 - 12, 1916

 Tues. Jan. 11, 1916

Sunny and cool - frost last night. We packed up 4 suitcases, some blanket, a rocking chair etc. and brought them down to the ranch in the auto (Pa, Ma, and I). I drove down at from 20 to 38 miles per hour. We are going to rent 2 beds and 3 chairs until our furniture comes out and we are going to stay on the ranch till our property sells in Minneapolis. We unloaded our stuff. Fixed the kitchen up etc. the rest of the day.

Clint is down here and Will Eliot told him we were here so he came out and saw Pa. I drove him to his ranch and left him at the depot, as he is going up to L.A. for the night.

I am looking and feeling fine now. Plenty of color in my face! 5' 71/2" high and  weigh 122 lbs. 

Wed. Jan. 12, 1916

Anaheim, California, Carnival Brand Citrus Label" Print ...

Pretty cold last night and I could not keep warm. Frost early this A.M. I took the auto and went and saw the man who has charge of the Randolph Fruit Co's packing house in West Anaheim and got a job as grader for next Tuesday. Bot some groceries, dust pan, stove pipe elbow etc and came home. Put up the air tight and Pa fixed up the gas range like new. I cleaned the back porch and garage.

In the eve I drove Pa and Ma over to Placentia and back. After supper I went down to the library.

Plancentia a few years later in 1921

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