Tues. Feb. 1, 1916
Fine. Up at 8 and rode down and got some tape and then Pa and I put the new fixtures in the living and dining room and S chain group and a dome. In the afternoon I worked from 1 - 6. Grandpa came down late this afternoon and is going to stay all night. Read in eve.
Wed. Feb. 2, 1916
Fine and warm.
Up at 6 A.M. and to work. Slept with Grandpa last night. Worked from 7A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Pa drove out to a place with Grandpa this A.M. and got a sack of cull walnuts for 50 cents and they are alright. In afternoon I drove Grand and Pa to town and then we all drove around toward Placentia and Olive to show Grandpa the flood damage. Fed the chickens - we got an egg 2 days ago and 1 today from our 3 hens. Read and in the evening we were invited to the Root's, but we had promised to take a lady that lives near here down to meeting so Ma and Pa went and Grandpa and I to Root's then I got them after meeting and we all at Root's. Root and I and Grandpa and Mrs. Root each beat a game of 500 and then Pa came and he beat Root several games of checkers. Home 10:30. grandpa here again tonight.
Thurs. Feb. 3, 1916
Saw an eclipse of the sun early this A.M. Grandpa, Pa and I worked all A.M. Tearing down some fences around the garden etc. About noon I rode over to packing H. - do not have to work today. In afternoon we drove down town and Grandpa bought some screen wire, screen paint, brush, a hammer, coffee pot and can opener. Worked around some more.
This evening Grandpa gave Pa $86 to send back to Minneapolis to pay for storage, drayage, and shipping our furniture out here and Pa is going to send for it tomorrow. Read and talked and to bed. Grandpa not going to Hollywood until tomorrow.
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