Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 22 -24, 1915

Tues. June 22, 1915

Warm - 72 and Sunny

Monkeyed around. Took bike ride to other side of lake in aft. Washed up my canoe - had an ad in the paper. Pa and I started to connect up the old and new cesspool about 7 PM. Strung a light out from the porch and worked till 4 A.M. or dawn. Would have been done sooner only our tunnel caved in and we had to dig out the whole front yard it seemed - had coffee and toast about 2 A.M. To bed about 4:30 A.M.

Wed. June 22, 1915

Cloudy and cool

Up at 9 filled in holes - played 3 games of checkers with Cliff and he beat 2. Rode over to The Pavilion in eve, heard 3 pieces and then it started to rain so I beat it. Rain all eve.

Official Signature

Harold T. Crane

Thurs. June 24, 1915

Cloudy, but sun in aft. quite warm.

I finished filling cesspool hole and replaced sod. Monkeyed around went down to lake and rode around - read and to bed.

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