Tuesday, June 2, 2020

May 9 -10, 1915

Jitneys!, or The Sharing Economy of 1915
Jitneys were early ride-share taxis. Basically, grandpa's Uber didn't show up. 100+ years ago things were not that different.

Sun. May 9, 1915

Fine and very warm and sunny. Wore my light grey suit.

It was Mother's Day and Mr. Blair preached a fine sermon on the subject. Had 3 in my class. Home and went for a ride with Hovelman. He passed a car to the left and got in a bad scrape, but we got out all right, also got confused on a corner and took a short cut across the curb and sidewalk, but otherwise we had a nice ride. Home, very sleepy to bed 9.

Mon. May 10, 1915

Very fine - real Summer

I rode down with Mr. Hov. by way of Ant Ethel's and took picture's of her house for her. Waited an hour for a Jitney in afternoon and then got sore and walked downtown, left film, bot 2 collars and home. Lessons and to bed.

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