Warm, fair A.M. Rain P.M.
To dentist 10 A.M. had 2 cavities filled in 20 minutes with platinum for $2. Went around to railway offices rest of A.M. Instead of going by way of the Grand Canyon we have decide to go by C.P.R.T Portland and then on one of the new steamers GT. Northern or N.P. down to Frisco. Painted in late aft and eve with Pa on the porch.
Sun. July 11, 1915
Fine and quite hot
Read the paper walked around the lake with Stew in the Aft.Took little bike ride in the eve and to bed. Found good book in attic other day (Philo System)(intensive). Have been reading it up off and on and it is very good.
Mon. July 12, 1915
Quite hot and fine
Cut Mrs. Treat's lawn - was about a foot high and it was a job. Took from 10:30 till nearly 1:00 75 cents.Over to Stew and he and Ruth and Grace Lockwood had some lemonade and sandwiches. Then Stew came over and I cut part of our lawn and then we went swimming in the creek. We would walk up about a block and then swim down. We took some picture too. Home, cut rest of lawn. Helped Pa paint in eve and rode all around on my bike.
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