Friday, July 24, 2020

Aug 16 - 19, 1915

Mon. Aug. 16, 1915

Delivered 70 pounds plums this A.M. then Floyd and I rode down on my bike and took orders for about 110 pounds more. Delivered over 120# of apples, peaches, plums and prunes in the afternoon.

Tues. Aug 17, 1915

Delivered fruit and took orders with the auto all A.M. Delivered some more in the aft. Have sold and delivered about 700 pounds or more of fruit now. Read in eve.

Wed. Aug 18, 1915

Aunt Ethel to the city at 7 o'clock. Floyd and I pick and delivered about 120 of 30 pounds of fruit. I got a letter from Mother yesterday and today. She certainly likes The Springs, so quiet and restful and she will have a good rest. I wrote a letter to Lillian Gregg and also one to Pa yesterday and write one to Mother everyday. 

Floyd and I del. more fruit in Grandpa has made up with the Harner's again. I was going downtown on bike, but Miss Harner asked if we were going in the auto and Grandpa said yes. Went for a ride out County road and home. Ethel home 5 o'clock. Went up and shoveled for irrigating. In eve Floyd and I took a ride on my bike in the moonlight.

Thurs. Aug 19, 1915

Picture 1 of 10
1915 Studebaker manual

Floyd and I del. 90 pounds fruit. Did not take any more orders as fruit nearly sold out. Grandpa slipped me a quarter for selling the fruit for him.

Picture 2 of 10
1915 Studebaker manual

I got a Studebaker instruction book the other day and have been greasing the neglected spots on the car lately. Today Floyd and I drained the oil out and strained it and I tightened the emergency. Then we washed and polished it. I then took a cold bath and in the evening Aunt Ethel, Floyd and I went to The Fairyland.

Fairyland Theatre in background
The Fairyland Theatre showed movies and had vaudeville acts.

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