Friday, July 24, 2020

Aug. 20 -21, 1915

Fri. Aug. 20, 1915

The boys in their irrigation costume and their "selfie" string

Wrote a card to mother and got a letter from her also. Changed to my pants (rolled up) and my swimming shirt and I irrigated from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. Did it up good and when we were eating supper Grandpa gave Floyd and I 50 cents apiece. I clipped Grandpa's hair and rode downtown and monkeyed around. Floyd and I took a picture of ourselves with a string in our irrigation costume.

Author note: The 50 cents their grandfather gave in today's money would be a almost $13.

Sat. Aug. 21, 1915

Downtown Anaheim 1914

Up at 5:30 and picked 50 pounds of peaches - Floyd delivered them. I went up to irrigate - water came at 7 o'clock and irrigated until 11 A.M. Foggy until about 11 today, but fine after that. 

Rec'd two letters from Mother and one from Pa. Mother said that she was dazed since arriving at the springs - seemed so funny to do nothing but eat, sleep and enjoy herself - an experience she has never had. Pa has not sold out yet, but is very anxious to sell and come out here. Got a small puncture in my bike last evening. Floyd and I delivered 20 pounds of fruit and collected some money.

In the evening we drove downtown and all 4 went to the Mason Theatre. I wrote a letter to Pa and one to Mother today. Pa said that Katheryn Graves had called up and inquired after me. Said she had been on vacation. I guess I will write to her.

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