Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Aug. 22 - 24, 1915

Sun. Aug. 22, 1915

Anaheim post office in 1915
Anaheim Post office 1915

Did not go to church as I do not care about any of them here particularly. In the aft. I drove the folks in the mountains past Orange County Park and back by Olive. Grandpa was going to take Harner's, but they didn't feel well etc. He was going to take them for a ride when we got back, but they had company. I wrote a letter to Mother and sent some land ads to Pa and Floyd and I walked down and mailed them in the eve.
Read and to bed.

Anaheim Post Office, Interior View. [graphic]
Post office interior

Mon. Aug. 23, 1915

Got letter and postal from Mother and forwarded a letter to her from Pa. She said Clint had a job for me taking care of baths, but I have no money to go up there and do not know if he would give me decent wages or not so not going just yet. Grandpa wanted me to rent a piece of ground with option to buying it, and start raising chickens - he would give me the incubator here, but I am going to wait awhile yet and see if Pa can't sell out. Fixed up the front yard. Bought some grease for the auto and greased it up. In the eve Floyd and I walked to the library.

Anaheim Library

Tues. Aug. 24, 1915

Worked around the yard all A.M. Read a letter from Mother. Wrote a letter to Watt and one to her. Greased up auto in aft and when in the middle of it Ethel came out and said Uncle Clint was here. He drove down from the Springs with a man. Visited for awhile, then he went and came back for supper. In eve we all drove to his ranch and then he took us to the show. Then went up to his house and talked and then home.

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